Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 1 Anatomy & Phyisology

First day of bridging course went smoothly, took me just over an hour to get to uni, 40 minutes of which was on the bus. The day started with two hours of lectures on:
  • homeostasis
  • chemical principles of physiology
  • organisation of the body
  • skeletal system
  • muscle system
morning tea break with free tea, coffee, juice, biscuits, minties etc. then we started the prac session in an anatomy lab. we actually were just given a booklet with questions to answer which were based on the lectures and we were allowed to work with each other and also use books to help us find the answers. This also was a good opportunity to break the ice with some of the people I'll be studying with for the next two years. I ended up having lunch with two girls i'd been working with, one was from Indonesia, ha! There are quite a few international students in the course but the majority are local.

It was a lot of new knowledge for one day to take in so I'm really glad I did a bit of pre-reading. i'm definitely going to continue doing that this week because it really helped me get through today in terms of grasping the ideas. This week is going to be a massive cram of information! actually it won't even be a week because the exam is on friday, in just four days!

Time for bed now though, if I learn anything about physiology I know that I need to get sufficient quality sleep to function at my best when i'm awake.. Good night. ;-)

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