Saturday, March 19, 2011

3rd year clinical - first shift

I did my shift on Friday even though I'm not 100% better. My clinical educator said it was ok. I was still coughing a bit and felt guilty but I made sure I did hand hygeine all the time and I made it through the shift, and there were actually a few other staff members with what sounded like the same cough as me, so I didn't feel so bad.

I am on the neurotrauma and neurosurgery ward, which has some overflow from the orthopedic ward too. The patient I was mainly looking after was an orthopedic patient - an 80 year old Greek lady with the broken femur who was day 4 post surgery and needed full nursing care for everything. She had a 'pad' which is actually an adult nappy, but they call it a pad because I guess it doesn't sound as bad, and was having diarrhoea. The pad needed changing 3 times during my shift and because even rolling to her side caused a lot of pain, 2 nurses were needed to change it. The smell was so bad. I don't know if I'll ever get used to dealing with faeces, but it's part of the job. I feel sorry for people who are incontinent and it makes me never want to get to that state. All the more reason to keep up my yoga and pilates and try to keep my bowels healthy.

Did my first blood transfusion on her as well (her haemoglobin levels were low after the surgery) which was good after learning all about it last year but not having had a chance to do it yet. Had to educate her first about the reasons using simple language because her English was a bit limited, then get consent, do the baseline assessment and monitor for adverse reactions, as well as set up and start the actual transfusion.

Also did my first drug administration per vagina. Not as bad as it sounds. The tablet comes in a disposable applicator. Just like inserting a Tampax tampon. It was an oestrogen tablet that absorbs at the site of the cervix.

Also removed an IV catheter for the first time. My nurse buddy was very nice and I think we worked well together. She's young and only a couple of years out. I'll be working alongside her for all of next week too. I'm glad I wasn't asked to come in this weekend to make up the shifts I missed, better to have the weekend to recuperate and make up the shifts when I'm fighting fit.

Currently working on my Professional Transitions in Nursing Assignment which is due next Monday. I also have two 2 hour classes next week as well as 5 x 8 hour shifts of clinical, so very very busy this week.

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