Thursday, February 11, 2010

Group Research - Urinary Tract Infection

Yesterday's lectures were about the learning methods of the course including lectures, clinical workshops, clinical practice, self-directed learning, group work and applying the principle of Evidence Based Practice which means using the best precedent commonly used methods and doing appropriate research to ensure that is what's being practiced. In a way that is very similar to the study of law, except that nursing seems to involve A LOT more interaction with people, including the study of it. I've met a lot of people in the last two weeks and I haven't even started my classes yet.

We were put into groups after lunch and given a case study of an immobile patient admitted for two weeks of respite care. We have to come up with care plan that will address his pressure ulcers (bedsores), constipation and a urinary tract infection, as well as signs of anxiety and depression. My group got the urinary tract infection and now we are researching the nursing process for that to present to the rest of the groups next week.

The nursing process is an individualised problem-solving approach that involves these four stages:
  1. Assessment (of the patient's health and problems). As for diagnoses, they have to be made by a doctor, while nurses diagnose issues and risk factors.
  2. Planning (for treatment of the problems, this may mean referring them to a doctor or specialist for certain things)
  3. Implementation (of the plans)
  4. Evaluation (of their success)

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